Dieses Jahr habe ich mir vorgenommen auch so einen Roboterarm zu bauen Nach einer ersten Recherche bin ich auf folgende Open Source Roboter Arm Projekte gestoßen.
Niryo : https://niryo.com/, 6-axis, BOM, assembly guide, 3dprintable, Forum, scratch, github, 1299,00€ as kit, reach of arm, precision, payload 0.3kg, maxreach 440 mm
DOBOT :Dobot Magician - Bring Industrial Robotic Arm to Daily Life, 3D Printer, Laser Engraver and more! https://www.dobot.cc/dobot-magician/, 6-axis, forum, 1499 $
BCN3D MOVEO - A fully OpenSource 3D printed Robot Arm [https://www.bcn3dtechnologies.com/en/…], github, instructable, 6-axis, 2kg lift, little support over webseite, kein kit
Thor - The Open Source Robotic Arm https://hackaday.io/project/12989-thor, BOM, payload 750g, google group,
Evil Minion – affordable and open source robotic arm for teachers, makers, and manufacturers https://www.marginallyclever.com, hackaday, 5-axis,
Annin Robotics www.anninrobotics.com, forum, 3d-printable oder aluminium, kit (489 + 359 + 462,94), max reach 230mm, payload 1,8kg
Dexter Robot Arm, won the hackaday prize 2018 https://hackaday.io/project/158779-dexter, 7-axis, 3d printable, assembly man, kit $2,999